Friday, December 29, 2017

Don't talk about your marriage. No, really.

Did you know you can improve you marriage without even talking about it πŸ’‘πŸ’‘ in just 285 seconds per day?! In fact talking about it can make it worse, according to research by Steven Stosny Ph.d, & Patricia Ed.d Love. You just need to connect more. Develop a love beyond words.

In one example before setting out on a road trip with the kids, my wife took the time to prepare my dinner for that night (and the next). Over a bed of rice and home fried potatoes she laid freshly cut mushrooms, asparagus and skinless chicken drumsticks. All spiced to perfection and set in the 1.5 quart Crock-Pot on the counter. The smell of the savory dish was warming as I walked through the door.

As appealing to the eye as it was to the palate.

Most times all you need to connect is a kind, caring, or nurturing gesture. Discuss below ⤋⇊⤋⇊

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